Mass Spectrometry

Mass Spectrometry ​Geochemical Profiling with a Mass Spectrometer

Our mass spectrometers are portable quadrupole mass analyzers for use on drilling wells.  The instrument has a 90 second cycle time, and baseline sensitivity of 0.01 ppm for C4+ species (with some caveats).  It analyzes C1-C10 petroleum species, and inorganic compounds such as CO2, He, N2, O2 and sulfur bearing volatiles.  It can discriminate among paraffins, naphthenes and aromatics, BTEX compounds (Benzene, Toluene, Xylene) and contributions from the drilling fluid.  It can be remotely monitored and maintained with data transfers accomplished via satellite uplink, thereby making it capable of running unmanned.

  • Geochemical profile to help steer within formation                                        
  • Highlight potential fracture/fault zones
  • Assist with engineered perf zones
  • Identify water contact, & bit wear
  • Hydrocarbon compartmentalization
UBR mass spec graph

Why Analyze these Compounds?

  • Petroleum type and quality
  • Fluid contacts
  • Porosity/permeability
  • Top Seal Assessment
  • Compartmentalization

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