Wellsite Geochemistry

FGS is the leader in providing accurately defined comprehensive geochemical data ranging from C1-C10 petroleum species, inorganic compounds such as CO2, He, N2, O2, sulfur bearing volatiles, and relative percent mineralogy using XRD. We can help you discriminate paraffins, naphthenes, aromatics, and BTEX compounds, as well as contributions from drilling fluids (i.e. additives).
Geochemical Mudlogging uses mass spectrometry mudgas detection of the drilling mud, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) to analyze the rock cuttings from the wellbore. Together, they provide a semi-empirical measurement of both chemistry and mineralogy of the wellbore. Both mass spectrometer and XRD machines are used right on the drilling location in real time allowing for instant analysis. FGS uses the industry leading dq1000™ Mass Spectrometer and Olympus BTX-II™ X-ray diffraction machines – both units being the size of a desktop computer. To provide clients with any iso-tube, iso-jar analysis, or technical laboratory analysis, FGS works with our partners at Dolan Integration Group, LLC (DIG) and Petroeum Systems International (PSI) giving you the most comprehensive analysis from any mudlogging company.
Both the mass spectrometry and XRD machines have been extensively field tested for decades. Field data are supported by geophysical wireline data with a high degree of certainty for every well drilled – however, these geochemical tools also generate data that geophysical data can otherwise overlook, thus giving better understanding and more confidence in making completions decisions.
FGS geologists operate the equipment directly on your wells, giving you the capability to model the wellbore’s petroleum system in real time. Generated subsurface data potentially helps to pinpoint problematic zones and define optimal future target assessments.
Comprehensive analysis is given after every well finishes to evaluate and understand how the geologic and petroleum systems behave in relation to one another. From mineral and chemistry compartments, to fluid properties, water analysis, thermal maturity tracking and much, much more, FGS provides innovative solutions for your unconventional problems.

Our Innovations
- CHEMWD (chemistry while drilling): We drill, complete and produce wells using geochemical data alone (no e-logs) saving our clients millions of dollars.
- XLOG™ (XRD while drilling): We use X-ray diffraction data and logs to measure wellbore mineralogy and rock mechanics to increase drilling efficiency and potential hydrocarbon production.
- UBER™ (Unconventional Basin Exploration Recovery model – our patented geochemical modeling system): our propreitary geochemical model allows overview of any given petroleum system and provides a hydrocarbon “fingerprint” of potential problem zones as well as precise target(s) determinations throughout a given basin.