Mudlogging and Wellsite Consulting

FGS offers a wide range of experienced mudloggers with backgrounds in basins throughout the United States. From oil and gas, to geothermal, we have the expertise to offer 1 to 4-man programs to fit your wellsite needs. Even though all of our techniques have been rigorously field tested for over a decade, we are also willing to adapt to any operator requirements from job to job. These requirements are always in addition to the various, detailed sample collection and creative informative logs that can be used by geologists and engineers alike.
Our wellsite geologists are flexible and all have backgrounds working with any number of gas detection systems including traditional total gas and/or chromatographs, CO2 detectors, H2S monitors, and dq1000 mass spectrometers. All geologists are also trained to use the portable desktop BTX-II™ X-Ray Diffraction machine for onsite mineral tracking.
Remote Mud Logging
Remote mud logging is a great option for drilling programs looking to manage costs without sacrificing the information that can be gleaned from logs such as shallower formation targets, production insights from gas readings, and a record of what happened mechanically on the well.
FGS has a team of geologists available for remote logging operations. Geologists are centrally located in their basin of operation and assigned rigs to monitor remotely. FGS geos visit their rigs a minimum of once a week, in addition to site visits for troubleshooting, company man check-ins, and general inquiries.
Operators will receive a quality mudlog with properly lagged and accurate gas readings, formation tops, a mechanical record of what occurred, in addition to other tracks that may be pulled from the EDR and added to the logs. It’s the same quality mudlog, with two major exceptions: no samples and much lower costs.